
  1. Drug addiction

  2. Mental Health and Sanity.

  3. Waking up from dreams

  4. Relationships along the way

  5. freedom


  • Intro: How Could Hell Be Any Worse?

    • MCJDC

    • 2021: Practice Note

  • Beginning of History: The Descent of Man

    • Beginning of beginning:

      • Driving Dakar 1983; Riding Dakar 2021

      • Shelter (cycle) in Place 1991; Shelter during Sandy 2012

        • Strapped into the bed. The color of the mattress

        • To Germain, the engines are running. This is it.

      • Fitting In: Ballad of Blair Ficklin, Glenn Johnson, Richard Conklin and becoming white.

        • Learning what it means to be a 90s-era, suburban, white kid, while being black

    • Middle of the Beginning: High school glory days: Intoxicating coolness: Doyle

      • Dover in the Summertime

      • High school fight

      • Worsening drug addiction

      • Rehab at Daytop

    • End of the beginning:

      • Turning Point

        • Smoking cigarette in chains out front

        • The MAP clients

      • The Dudley House

        • Desperation: prostitute

        • She dreams in digital

      • White Knuckle Reintegration

        • Roma food; Janus and understanding low wage work

        • INtroduction to landscaping where I’d once been relatively privileged

  • Middle of History: False Gods

    • Bob Kenyon; Getting Back On Heroin; How I spent My Summer Vacation

    • Turning Point and the Flynn House

  • End of History: Waking Up

Wake up in cell at MCJDC dope sick

  • The ideas that drive me:

    • Women.

    • Success.

    • Unnecessary obligation.

  • I still remember that my joints felt like there was no cartilage between them and that the tingling surged relentlessly like electricity across my fragile nervous system. I’d just woken up.

  • the overwhelming sense of dread — and shock, I guess — I the night I woke up, in the middle of the night, at Morris County Juvenile Detention Center. It was cold and dark and clean in an industrial bleach and incandescent lighting sort of way.

  • Mom advocating for me to go to Jail - it was a joke - last bag of heroin in transport.

Wake up from a daydream while writing medical marijuana practice note

  • wake up from daydream while Drafting the marijuana practice note

  • Middle class —privileged sitting out the pandemic in relative comfort

  • Smoking weed is easy —

    • practically legal for the privileged for some time.

    • I also don’t overdose as easily—its a positive experience.

    • wasn’t always that way.

Wake up as a child in Dakar

Wake up in a shelter bed in Montana

Wake up sleeping next to Germain at Grandpa’s house

Wake up in a shooting gallery in Newark

Wake up in a halfway house in Elizabeth

Wake up before AA speaking engagement in Bethlehem, PA.

Wake up vomiting during finals week in Montclair

Wake up after having my heart broken in Gewertz at Georgetown

Waking up near Area 51 and passing the bar exam

Waking up to go from 4278 Moraga Avenue in San Diego to get food stamps.

Wake up in Stephanie Leopold’s apartment in Manhattan

Wake up alone at 308 3rd Street

Wake up in 2015 in the midst of a precarious marriage

Wake up in quarantine

  • Opening

    • Marijuana overdose —> panic attack at Richard’s house

    • Not the only time I overdosed —> drug addiction discussion begin but —> go to history

    • Only black person — marijuana —> how I’m perceived

    • Privilege of growing up in white suburbs

  • Story of drug Addiction

    • Starts with my generally feeling bad about myself—compounded by religious upbringing.

    • Also, self absorbed and selfish growing up.

    • Why I began smoking weed—why I loved it: friendship; meaning; belonging; coolness; connection with friends that was missing in my life; so vital given the experience of trying to fit in and catch up in that white suburban environment.

    • How this evolved into harder and harder drugs and greater and greater arrogance (even with cocaine) until I ran up against immovable object—heroin

    • Tell story about novelty of being arrested while high which dissolved when I woke up

    • Waking up as beginning of road to recovery

  • Rise and Fall of Grace: The Failure of Moral-Based Sobriety

    • AA was an excellent fit given my CUT background.

    • Religion and AA saved me from addiction but the deist worldview was precisely why I could never stay stopped.

    • Cycle of detox and cessation; rehab and sobriety; AA system —> self loathing premised on faulty morals and ethics and system of socially imposed fear; ostracization and relapse; repeat

  • Breaking the Cycle

    • Never was shown how to challenge the ethical and moral system that exacerbates cycle of addiction.

    • Breaking the cycle means rejecting: dualism; deism; self-absorption; magical thinking; free-will.

    • Breaking the cycle means developing a personal philosophy of life premised on: rationality; science; humanism

III. Conclusion

  • Marijuana and privilege —> privilege of being able to be average

  • Drug addiction as a disability rather than a moral failing