christophe difo

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It's Blogging Negroni Time

It’s Time

“Write drunk. Edit sober.”

- unknown

It’s Negroni Time to get some writing done. At least that’s what I said to myself this past Friday when I declined the opportunity to leave the house and interact with other human beings.

The quote above is often misattributed to Ernest Hemingway

He didn’t really write drunk, according to real history. I don’t write drunk either. But a drink does have a way of clearing away the mental debris of writer’s block. Even though that same drink may very well unleash various, alcohol related impediments to usable work product.

In that sense, deploying a drink as a creative lubricant is like walking a tightrope. The key is to maintain a delicate balance without falling, pathetically, into the chasm of drunk rantings below.

In all seriousness though.

It’s wild to have arrived at a place in my life that a Negroni, a laptop, and a few hours of solitude make for a genuinely entertaining Friday evening.

Getting a bit older, and a bit lamer, is fucking great.